The mesh is also very high poly, so please only use them if you have a decent PC. The backs of the Sims’ heads will clip through the top part of the stroller. Most of the issues I saw when testing it in game were clipping issues. Known issues: Unfortunately, this item is far from perfect. This item has 30 swatches, dark colors and pastels, so there’s something in it for everyone.

They can also be placed in your Sims’ inventory so you can take them with you when your Sims visit other lots. This stroller works as a high chair, so toddlers and infants can sit, eat and take naps in them. Unlike the walkers in my last post, this item offers a little bit more gameplay. I was pretty close to giving up but I pushed through and I’m pretty proud of the final result. Functional Infant travel crib - Stroller. This Creation belongs to a Set - Click here to show the whole Set. The infant version is designed to provide a cozy space for your infant to nap. It was quite a bit of work and I ran into a lot of issues along the way. Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use. Functional Lux Toddler & Infant Strollers Updated Infant Stroller. Hey Fantacorns Welcome to another Sims 4 discussion video, today I'm talking about future Kit pack ideas, would you guys like to see these kinds of Kits if. Hey again, everyone, I hope you’re all doing well! Here’s a new functional item that I finished in record speed.
hiedibear75I dont care that it is only deco.

If you had your heart set on a stroller, it is possible to add them to your game through mods.